Development of design documentation (CD) for centrifugal and screw compressors for manufacturing plants and operating companies.
Development of design documentation for the installation of block-type dynamic equipment.
Gas-dynamic, strength, thermal-hydraulic calculations for screw and centrifugal compressors, calculations for auxiliary equipment of compressor units, parts and components of compressors.
Start-up and adjustment of compressor units of domestic and foreign production.
Start-up and commissioning of instrumentation and automation systems, test of compressors and units after restoration and overhaul.
Automation of technological processes of compressor units, software development, implementation of local control systems, integration of units control systems into the Customer's APCS.
Development, installation and start up of anti-surge protection, vibration diagnostic and monitoring systems of dynamic equipment.
Technical inspection of compressors and units, evaluation of machine working resources.
Development of documentation for the compressor units modernization, development of repair documentation.
Spare parts supply
Supply of spare parts for dynamic equipment of foreign and domestic production. Selection of analog spare parts and components for equipment during post-warranty operation stage.